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This time we will discuss about the VCC in Indonesia. But first we'll talk about "problems and opportunities".
Finding a business opportunity that really is not difficult. The business was closely related to providing solutions. But before you provide the solution, you obviously need to find where lies the problem.
Emerging product manufacturer information (this solution)
People need to campaign in many ads, but it took a long time (this issue)
Then there are advertisers who provide software to hundreds of classified ads automatically (this solution)
Now, let's examine a business that was born because of the problem, namely VCC business.

peluang bisnis

In everyday life, the formula Problems = Opportunities ordinary business is actually being practiced, either consciously or due to habits.
Examples of business opportunities that we usually see everyday:
People are hungry if you do not eat (this issue)
then there are the vendors and food stalls (the solution)

Another example,

People need to keep their money safely (issue)
Then present the bank as a deposit. (solution)
On the internet too, all kinds of internet business was originally started from the problem.


People confused about where abundant on the internet (a problem)
Thus was born the search engines (this solution)
Emerging product manufacturer information (this solution)


People need to campaign in many ads, but it took a long time (this issue)

Then there are advertisers who provide software to hundreds of classified ads automatically (this solution)

Now, let's examine a business that was born because of the problem, namely VCC business.

Become a dealer VCC: concrete examples of the concept of problem = opportunity.

Paypal is now starting entrenched in Indonesia. But to be able to fully use Paypal, you need to do verification. First, to verify Paypal only through a credit card. As a result, many who had difficulty doing. (this issue)

Then came the services allow you to have a verified Paypal account without a credit card. One way is to use the VCC (virtual credit card). So with the VCC, one can still verify the account paypalnya, although not having a credit card. (this solution)

In Indonesia the VCC sellers have started a lot, but still in demand and profitable. Someone put a price of Rp 20 thousand to $ 175,000. There is really no difference-making system VCC, just the same ... only the 'price' alone. But yes still be bought, because people's need for Paypal is getting real.

VCC you're interested in opening a business?

Well, I have interesting info for you about how to be a seller VCC. Maybe this will give you an idea to become a dealer the next VCC. If Paypal is crowded in Indonesia, frankly I myself was happy.

How do I become a dealer VCC?

Here's how ... (note: if you find another way, we can discuss it here).

1. To become a dealer VCC, all you need is a credit card Mastercard / Visa.
2. Then open entropay.com
3. After that do the registration. Contents balance. If it is occupied, then you can make paypal verification. It is said that the price of one VCC is less than 2 dollars. So your capital to serve a single VCC is only Rp 20 ribu.
4. Live then you set the selling price. Specially this one, sell it with reasonable value. Because this business does not sell the science, so it is not worth if valued too expensive even to Rp 175.000, -.

For more details can be viewed in your blog post prafangga or googling it.

One more, I hear Paypal verification can also be done through local banks. Not yet know for sure, but later we will also discuss this matter.
In essence,

Never afraid to confront the problem. Because it could be the problem that was the business opportunity for you.

Regards ACTION!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Sell and buy used and new goods.
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    More details where to place free classified ads

  2. Dennis says:

    I've try several method on how to make vcc for free but no Luck :( Couple weeks ago my sister told me she found a website that they had a method. Here's the link How To Make Virtual Credit Cards great its work perpect!, thanks to my sister and for the owner of this site, I thought you should try it dude. good luck.

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